Construction Scheduling Software

Construction Scheduling Features

Templates Overview
1:01 min
Template Features
2:31 min
Quick Guide Overview
1:04 min
Quick Guide Features
3:48 min

Microsoft Project is powerful, easy to use, and is one of the most widely used construction scheduling software available. Microsoft Project is invaluable and well worth the investment.

We do not provide Microsoft Project – our goal is to empower you with Construction Scheduling Templates, Guides, Systems, Support & Training using Microsoft Project to help you successfully schedule, manage and control your projects. We will, however, help and guide you to the most economical version of Microsoft Project that will fit your needs.

All our Templates, Guides, Support, and Training designed to use Microsoft Project, any Version - Standard or Professional) as your core Scheduling Software. All our Construction Scheduling Template Features and Functionality will work with either the Standard or Professional and with any version of Microsoft Project.

Microsoft Project Standard and Professional Versions are the same except that the Professional Version requires Microsoft Project Server to allow a Multi-User Network Environment. With Microsoft Project Server, the cost will nearly double. Microsoft Project Standard is sufficient for almost all cases. You can also still find great deals and use Microsoft Project Professional without Microsoft Project Server. If you are working in a network environment, you can have all of your scheduling files located in a network folder for users to access.

If you want to get started right away and do not have Microsoft Project installed on your computer, you can download a Free 30 Day Trial from Microsoft for the current version of Microsoft Project from the Microsoft Website at;
During this 30 Day Free Trial Period, you can use any of our Construction Scheduling Templates, Features and Systems with the complete functioning program while you search for your best deal on Microsoft Project for any version.

You should save any files you create in the Microsoft Project version that you purchase. All newly created files will be available for you to work on with the newly installed version. If you are buying a prior version from the current version, you can then delete the trial version.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Everyone needs to have essential tools to work with to make work and life easier. Our Construction Scheduling Templates are your framework to help you save time, guide you’re planning and serve as a checklist to ensure that you use and do not miss any required steps to get the job done.

In Construction, we deal with similar tasks, resources, and information across all the projects. All our Construction Scheduling Templates are customized to see and communicate the information you and your team members want and need to see.

You should create all new construction scheduling files using templates. Using templates for completing your project files will add consistency, save a tremendous amount of time, and serve as a foundation for a system that will provide the potential power to gain insight and control all your projects.

All our Construction Scheduling Templates work with Microsoft Project (Any Version) and will work the same for either the Standard or Professional Versions.

All Construction Scheduling Templates are Optimized as follows:

Pre-Formatted Task Lists
Each Construction Scheduling Template file includes a pre-formatted task list for the particular project type. You can add, edit and delete tasks as required.

Pre-Construction Checklists
Each Construction Scheduling Template file has a Pre-Construction summary task with a typical Pre-Construction Task listing for each project. You can add, edit or delete project tasks and necessary for your project needs.

Pre-Linked Templates
Pre-Linked Construction Scheduling Templates include typical task relationships and estimated durations. These pre-linked files will save you time with standard linking for particular project types. You can add, edit, delete or unlink any task items and modify the task durations as needed. By changing the start date for the project or critical task, the entire schedule will move accordingly.

CSI Task Coding
All Construction Tasks are pre-coded with CSI Task Coding using the current CSI Master Format structure. Using CSI coding, you can filter, view, and sort by a CSI Code or any combination of them. You can also create custom codes in other available fields.

CSI Division Coding
All Summary Division Tasks are pre-coded with CSI Division Coding per the current CSI Master Format structure. You can filter, view, and sort by CSI division # to display groups of work or items or combinations of them. We have also added CSI Division 1-16 Coding for anyone using the Division 16 Coding System.

Custom Filters
Each Construction Scheduling Template includes filters for Tasks, CSI Codes, Typical Resources, Groups & Trades within the construction industry. Each filter has two types of filters set up for each: A standard filter that filters out all completed tasks or work and a Date Range filter that allows you to filter for each type in a Date Range that you specify.

Customized Fields
Each Construction Scheduling Template has the same custom fields for Tasks, CSI Codes, Typical Resources, Groups & Trades that allow you to view, filter, sort and report on a single project or group of projects. These fields can be displayed or hidden as required for your viewing. These fields also are the foundation for the custom filters.

Summary View
The Summary View displays a structured view that shows the summary tasks prioritized by CSI Division # and sorts the subtasks by start date. The Summary view is great to use when you want an orderly picture and see items grouped by Construction Division.

Cascading View
The Cascading View filters out all the summary tasks except for Pre-Construction Requirements and Project Duration. All subtasks are shown, sorted by start date under each of these two summary tasks. This view displays a cascading flow of work by start date, which you can easily view construction tasks sequentially by start date.

Custom Bar Styles & Layout
All bar styles display the start date on the left, the finish date on the right, and the task name on the top of the bar. All columns and rows have gridlines to separate tasks and date formats. This display provides for easy viewing and navigation.

Monthly Cash Flow Report
The Monthly Cash Flow Report is an automatic report available if you are entering selling costs and using the Schedule of Values Table. You can get cash flow reports on a single project, multiple or all your projects in a Consolidated ‘Master’ project.

Project Calendar
The default Calendar in the templates is a calendar named Construction. This calendar has all major holidays marked as non-working. You can edit this calendar as needed to suit your project or company needs.

Resource Sheet
The custom Resource Sheet allows you to effectively enter, view, and report on people, groups, and equipment.

Option Settings
The Option Settings are pre=set for your scheduling and viewing and how Microsoft Project calculates your schedules. You can change all customizations to suit your scheduling needs and requirements.

Schedule Of Values Table
The Schedule Of Values Table allows you to enter and view the total selling cost for each task item. The current item cost and remaining cost are updated automatically by entering the percent complete. This table can be used in preparation for a schedule of values and as a billing mechanism. You can use the Schedule of Values Table combined with the Gantt or Tracking view to show a customer or bank details of costs to date to back up and use for billing purposes.

Master Entry Table
The Master Entry Table allows you to enter, edit and view the custom fields specific to each project, all from one table. Using the same custom fields for entering information for all your projects – you can view, filter, sort, and report on a single project or across all your projects in a Consolidated ‘Master’ project file.

All of the customizations and settings are completely customizable by you. You can use them as they are customized or edit them to suit your needs.

The whole purpose of our templates is to save you time and benefit from schedules optimized for construction scheduling, communication, and viewing. They will serve as a foundation to help you control and profit on all your construction projects.

Unleash the power of Microsoft Project quickly and effectively to schedule and control your Construction Projects with the Quick Schedule Guide – Version 3. This interactive online scheduling guide serves as a companion guide to all our Construction Scheduling Templates. The Quick Schedule Guide V3 is compatible with all PCs, Tablets & Smartphones and is available online in multiple languages.

The Quick Schedule Guide (Version 3) is designed as a Visual-Step-By-Step Guide to unlock the outline, procedures, and optimizations that we have built into the Scheduling Templates. This Guide will give you instant learning, reference, and reinforcement to help guide you through the entire scheduling process.

You will be able to schedule any project of any size, create your specific templates, combine construction project files into a master project file and communicate them effectively by any method that suits your needs. You will most of all create a system that will promote accountability and communication and enable automation in your business, leading to greater control and increased profits.

The Quick Schedule Guide V3 is designed and will work with Microsoft Project Versions 2010-2019. If you are using Microsoft Project 2007 or earlier, the ribbon or menu may differ slightly between versions, but the procedures are the same for all Microsoft Project versions.

Quick Schedule Guide Benefits:

  • Control Time & Increase Profits.
  • Use the power of Microsoft Project.
  • Quickly schedule your projects with our Construction Scheduling Templates.
  • Update your Construction Schedules Quickly.
  • Schedule any project of any size at the level of detail you need.
  • Use our custom features optimized in our Construction Scheduling Templates.
  • Use Construction Schedules structured for the Construction Industry – Benefit from our experience!
  • Create a foundation for scheduling all your projects.

Quick Schedule Guide Features:

  • Instant learning and reference while you are working with our Construction Scheduling Templates.
  • Use the available templates with our predefined filters, views, and reports, or use the task list to save input time.
  • Maximize and use the features that are customized and optimized into our Scheduling Templates.
  • Complete flexibility to customize the Construction Scheduling Templates and Systems to your particular needs
  • Use CSI Task & Division Coding from the Construction Specification Institute or create your own.
  • Quick reference for scheduling methods and insights on scheduling
  • Create a system to serve as the foundation of all of your construction scheduling.
  • Customize Microsoft Project and use the power of filters and views.
  • Share files and save input time with others using the same scheduling structure, i.e., coding, filters, and views.
  • Learn ways to communicate your construction schedules.

The Quick Schedule Guide features the following sections:

Scheduling Basics
The Scheduling Basics section gives a brief outline and instruction on the basic scheduling methods included with our systems. In Microsoft Project, there are many ways of entering information. For simplicity, we use specific techniques, but you can also use the other methods available in Microsoft Project. If you are an experienced user, you can skip the basic entering information, but you should familiarize yourself with the basic techniques that we are using. If you are new to Microsoft Project, you can use this section for understanding entering and viewing information.

Pre-Construction Scheduling
The Pre-Construction process is the most critical part of structuring a successful project. Typically, there is too little attention during the Pre-Construction phase. The Pre-Construction phase and process directly affect the outcome of a project. The organization and communication at the Pre-Construction phase are critical to the project’s success. This section serves as a brief emphasis on the importance of Pre-Construction Scheduling.

Scheduling Checklist
The Scheduling Checklist is an outline of all the steps required to create your project schedules. You can print the checklist out and use it to remind the scheduling steps and information needed to complete the scheduling process. Your construction schedules must be structured the same way to benefit from viewing information across several projects. The checklist provides quick links to each section referenced.

Part 1: Organization
The Organization process is the foundation of successful scheduling, communication, and reporting. Each project is unique in its nature and requirements. This section will guide you in structuring and organizing the layout of your schedules.

Part 2: Planning
The Planning process involves estimating task durations and developing a working copy of your schedule. The Planning phase requires that you communicate with the project team members to ensure that you have accurate information. Communication is the key to preparing a realistic and successful project schedule.

Part 3: Control
The Control Phase is maintaining the project communication, constantly updating and distributing the schedule via email, internet, or physically in a manner that is understood and used by other team members. With adequate control, you will have the opportunity to foresee conflicts and problems so you can act instead of reacting after they happen.

Part 4: Consolidated Projects
Consolidating your active projects into a master project gives you unlimited flexibility to communicate multi-project information, view workloads, create reports, and make intelligent business planning decisions across all your projects. This section will provide you the tools needed to use and create the necessary views and filters to use and or report to anyone who needs to see them.

All customizations’ in the scheduling templates are in the reference section at the end of the Guide. You can refer to these sections for details on how each scheduling phase is structured so that you can use, modify or recreate the original template settings.

All Scheduling Templates and Files are coded with the same custom filters, views, and reports to provide information for individual projects or across all your projects.

The Quick Schedule Guide V3 has been kept concise and toward a specific objective – scheduling systems that lead to successful projects in the construction industry.

The Quick Schedule Guide V3 will Save You Time in learning and scheduling and give you a system to serve as a basis for scheduling individual projects and a global system of communication and planning across all your projects.

Scheduling is not just for the scheduler – it is for everyone involved with the project! Construction Scheduling must be formatted, shown, and distributed in an easy-to-read and understandable format. Our goal is to get the job done with as little effort as possible.

CSI stands for the Construction Specifications Institute. CSI provides a coding breakdown for methods, materials, and tasks for all the construction activities that we typically work on within construction. This industry-leading coding structure is the foundation of most construction specification writing, documentation, and information management.

We have integrated CSI’s coding structure as a foundation for the task breakdown structure in our scheduling templates and files.

We provide construction scheduling templates in different levels of detail, each for Residential, Commercial & Industrial Construction, as a basis of all schedules that will provide for a typical structure and consistency for all of your construction schedules.

You can choose the scheduling template or file that suits the need of your projects. Note that the greater detail you use will provide an increased view, filter, and report information. Our goal is to save you time and to empower you with a system that will provide the information that you need to see at any level.

For scheduling and communication purposes, some task items have been re-named to familiar terms that we use within the Construction Industry.

We have also added two other top-level phases;

Pre-Construction Requirements
Includes all the Pre-Construction Activities required to get the project ready for construction.

Project Duration
This Phase Includes all the Construction Activities throughout the actual construction phase. These tasks should be linked directly to the Pre-Construction activities as they are directly related to their completion at various levels.

Listed under each top-level Phase is a breakdown of CSI coding items at various levels of detail depending on the template or file you are using.

You can add, edit and delete task items as needed and use them as a basis of your schedule templates or files. In addition, you can add your specific code items in the other available fields.

With these pre-coded scheduling templates and files, you can filter, view, and report any information relative to CSI Division #s or CSI Code #s. If you use the same coding structure in all project files, you can view information across all your projects.

In addition, we have added a separate Division 1-16 field for those who are still working on the older coding system.

You can ‘View Samples’ of the various coding structures available in our construction scheduling templates on our Construction Scheduling Templates Pages.

Effective Construction Scheduling is an invaluable tool that will help you manage your workload and resources for a single project or across all of your projects.

With time on your side and the use of schedules, filters, views, and reports, you can gain the insight to make intelligent planning decisions, minimize liability and maximize your profits.

As a subcontractor, you have specific needs and responsibilities different from a General Contractor, Construction Manager, or Other has.

You need to create an organizational structure that provides Time, Manpower, Crew Schedules, Resources, Equipment, and Materials.

Your scheduling is critical to the overall performance of the projects you are working on. You have all of the basic scheduling needs – the only difference is that your tasks are reduced and specific in scope relative to the particular phases you are working on.

You also have the dual responsibility to meet the project deadlines you are working on while managing your projects' workload and resources.

Discover the Potential Benefits of Subcontractor Scheduling:

Using Templates
Templates provide the foundation for your schedules, save input time and give you the ability to filter view, and report on any information for a single project or across all your projects.

Subcontract Work or Self-Perform?
Using filters, views, and reports, you can evaluate when you need to self-perform or subcontract work. Without adequate planning, we do not have this information available, and we either over-allocate our resources or subcontract work when we could perform particular tasks or phases.

Managing Your Workload
With the ability to look ahead, you can make intelligent decisions on whether to hire additional resources or subcontract work and know what type of work to go after.

Managing Resources
You can manage YOUR resources quickly and effectively for a single project or across all of your projects. This management will help your decision-making on taking other work and adjusting profit margins.

Tracking Equipment
You can know and track your equipment usage at any time in the future and make decisions on whether to subcontract work, buy, lease or rent equipment.

Controlling Delivery Schedules
Using filters, views, and reports, you can control delivery schedules for materials for individual projects or across all of your projects.

Using Schedules To Manage A Group Or Process
Schedules provide the ability to manage any group or a process. Microsoft Project provides the ability and power to schedule and control anything that relates to time.

Production Scheduling
You can assign specific resource types to different tasks and phases and get reports that will show your workload in a graph format so that you can level out your resources.

Scheduling Multiple Projects
By combining your projects into a Master project, you can gain insight into planning, purchasing, and management across all of your projects – very powerful!

Pre-Construction Scheduling
Pre-Construction Scheduling is critical to setting up your projects for success. This phase includes ordering materials, controlling lead times, managing submittals, and other planning milestones.

Using CSI Coding
CSI Coding provides a numbering structure related to your tasks and allows you to filter, view, and report on the particular code item or groups of code items.

Purchasing Power
You can use your schedules to increase your purchasing power for your subcontractors, materials, and lead time order items with the ability to forecast effectively.

Adjusting Profit Margins
With the ability to look ahead and view your workload, you can increase your profit margins when you are busy and tighten your margins when you need work.

Using Reports
Using reports can provide the exact information required by the people that need to see them. You are narrowing down specific information into a format that is useful for a particular purpose.

Using Incentives
Incentives are a great way to ensure that your projects get the attention and production they need. Without them, your team members will focus on other priorities.

Increase Communication
You can bridge the gap between who you are working for and the various levels of construction. Communication is the key to success. Scheduling with the available reports, views, and filters can give you all the insight needed to control and manage your business.

Meeting Deadlines
Meeting deadlines eliminates the overhead of the extra costs associated with increased project completion, extensions, delays, and lack of communication.

An organized schedule and system will promote customer satisfaction, communication, feedback, and ultimately your project's profits and business.

Keeping all your team members accountable to a schedule or system is the key to successful management. Establishing a system of accountability will promote increased production, enthusiasm, and profits.

Managing our construction projects is a great challenge. Scheduling provides a tool that offers insight and planning that is not available without it. Volume does not equal profits – the answer is to control what we do have to the most significant profit and potential.

Everything that we do relates to time. Scheduling provides a platform to track and use the time to your advantage for any purposes you need. The success or failure of each project affects all other projects and the potential profits associated with them.

With an effective Scheduling System in place, you can gain control over the often unmanaged things and provide the insight to plan your business operations to maximize your profit potential.

Construction Scheduling is very powerful and can provide all the power needed to keep everyone accountable and run and control your business; It must be a helpful system that everyone uses and follows. If it is not, you will lose the potential power.

Our Construction Scheduling Templates, Guide, and Support save you time and money and give you the tools needed to control your projects of any quantity, size, and at any level while offering insight and the information required to run, succeed and profit in your business.

Microsoft Project is a shell software product. It has a lot of potential power and many features that most people are not aware of. We have used and integrated our experience in managing construction projects, communication, and scheduling to deliver customized construction scheduling systems and solutions using:

  • Pre-formatted task lists
  • Pre-formatted task coding from the Construction Specifications Institute
  • Custom views, filters, and reports that are designed specifically for the construction industry

We have provided scheduling templates with all the customization and features built into them to use them immediately. In addition, we provide support as an option with the Quick Schedule Guide, which will help you quickly learn and take advantage of the custom features offered and put you in control of an ordinarily confusing process.

The templates and systems we provide can be used as a foundation for your customization as required to suit your specific needs. Whether you are a general contractor, construction manager, national contractor with many locations and employees, subcontractor, or other related trade, you can use the templates at any level desired.

We are all dealing with the same problems and similar tasks but at different levels.

The Benefits of Using an Effective Scheduling System:

  • Use pre-formatted templates at any level that suits your needs and for any number and size of projects
  • Present schedules that are understandable and usable for all trades and team members
  • Keep everyone accountable to a system that works automatically
  • Create a global system of project reporting and information across all projects
  • Use the Consolidated (Master) Project file and systems to track, view, filter, and report for any information across all projects
  • Use CSI coding to serve as a foundation and structure for your task items
  • Use CSI coding that the industry uses and is familiar with
  • Use pre-construction checklists built into the scheduling templates to control the tasks required to get your projects ready for construction
  • Use predefined filters to narrow down view information for specific periods, particular trades, people, resources, equipment, and work type
  • Share and integrate project information with others using the same system without additional input
  • Use the custom Schedule of Values table to serve as a billing and reporting mechanism
  • Use the custom Construction Calendar with all of the significant holidays marked as non-working
  • Use the custom Cascading or Summary views to present easy viewing and navigation of the schedules
  • Track people, groups, and equipment
  • Sort information for anything while maintaining the desired structure of the schedule
  • Use the custom Monthly or Weekly Cash Flow Reports
  • Use the tracking table and views to keep people accountable
  • Filter for subcontract work or any item that you define
  • Create an expectation of everyone using and viewing your schedule information
  • Control material deliveries

The most significant benefit of using our templates and systems is saving you time and giving you the tools to establish a communication and reporting system that delivers control with increased accountability from all team members.

Effective construction scheduling is a tool to help you to organize the project and communicate information and specific project goals to all team members.

Project Organization is the compiling of the structure of information, files, people, team members, and any other resources you have in an organized manner and have them available as you need them.

Every project requires you to utilize and modify the organizational parts and resources you have available according to the particular nature and needs of the project(s) you are working on.

Your challenge is to organize and consolidate the limited resources you have and provide the infrastructure to empower all of your resources to perform to their maximum potential.

The visual organizational elements of your project(s) consist of:

  • Management
  • Team Members
  • Employees
  • Subcontractors
  • Suppliers
  • Available Information
  • Effective Software
  • Communication Systems
  • Information Systems
  • Equipment

The non-visual organization elements of your project(s) consist of:

  • Abilities
  • Skillsets
  • Experience
  • Attitudes
  • Aptitudes
  • Creativity
  • Teamwork
  • Desires
  • Environment
  • Organizational Atmosphere

Your projects' success and profit potential depend on your ability to organize and manage the visual and non-visual elements you have available.

Are you or your company organized with the tools and elements needed to complete your projects successfully?

Do you need to improve any visual or non-visual elements of your organizational structure?

Project Organization is vital to your projects and business. You also need to provide effective systems that will help integrate your organizational elements so you can maximize the output with your existing resources.

Our Construction Scheduling Templates, Guides, and Support are your resources to provide the insight, tools, and systems to continuously improve your ability to perform successfully and reap the benefits available to you.

Make your construction schedules work for you and give you the information you need! Without effective Scheduling, you are reacting and working too hard.

Construction Scheduling can provide the insight and accountability necessary to avoid the problems that every project will inherit. Effective Scheduling will also help control costs.

You can use our Construction Scheduling Templates, Systems, Guides, & Support as powerful tools to provide the insight, attention, and accountability needed at any level for a single project or across all of your projects.

Using Construction Scheduling Templates
Templates provide the foundation for your schedules, save input time and give you the ability to filter view, and report on a single project or across all your projects.

Scheduling Multiple Projects
By combining your projects into a 'Master' project, you can gain insight into planning, purchasing, and management across all of your projects – very powerful!

Pre-Construction Scheduling
Pre-Construction Scheduling is critical to setting up a project for success. Without scheduling this crucial phase, the project may experience delays, and you may not know it.

Using CSI Coding
CSI Coding provides a numbering structure related to your tasks and allows you to filter, view, and report on the particular code item or groups of code items.

Purchasing Power
You can use your construction schedules to increase your purchasing power for subcontractors, materials, and lead time order items with the ability to forecast.

Adjusting Profit Margins
With the ability to look ahead and view your workload, you can increase your profit margins when you are busy and tighten your margins when you need work.

Fast Track Scheduling
With effective Scheduling and communication, you can decrease the time frames to complete your projects. Things happen as you determine instead of in their own time.

Using Views
You can use views for different purposes. A Summary View allows you to see the project's overall structure, and a Cascading View will show the tasks flowing by start date.

Using Filters
Filters are one of the most powerful features you can use in Scheduling. You can apply a filter to see just the information you need to see for a single project or across all of your projects.

Construction Schedule Updating
You can effectively update your schedules in minutes if they are correctly structured. The practical structure of your plans will drive the project instead it driving you.

Using A Schedule Of Values
You can use a Schedule of Values for billing purposes and to gain attention from the team members on your projects. Keeping contractors accountable will prevent overbilling and overpayment to contractors.

Cash Flow
Do you know your Cash Flow? It is directly related to the % of work completed. You can accurately forecast your cash flow for a single project or across all of your projects.

Creating Accountability
Accountability is critical to the performance of the people and groups on your projects. An effective schedule is your most potent means of forcing action and accountability.

Communication Systems
Communication is everything! Scheduling, if effectively used, has all of the potential power to control your projects and aid in planning your business operations at any level.

Fixed Duration Scheduling
Fixed Duration scheduling allows you to control time and will enable any team member to manage their workforce and resources required to complete your schedule on time.

Coordinating Schedules With Specifications
Using a schedule with task items and coding that matches your contract specifications creates more attention, action, and accountability to your construction schedules.

Managing Your Workload
With the ability to look ahead, you can make intelligent decisions on whether to hire additional resources or subcontract work and know what type of work to go after.

Managing Resources
You can manage YOUR resources quickly and effectively for a single project or across all of your projects. You are not responsible for managing other companies' resources.

Tracking Equipment
You can know and track your equipment usage at any time in the future and make decisions on whether to subcontract work, buy, lease or rent equipment.

Weekly or Regular Meetings
Weekly or regular meetings force attention to your schedule. Using a schedule as the main agenda item at regular meetings will cause action and production.

Using Checklists
Using checklists is very effective. Lists will ensure that you are using all of the steps and information required to structure and maintain a project.

Centralized Construction Scheduling
Provides the insurance that schedules are prepared and updated by the people who have the experience and ability to structure, format, and convey project information correctly.

Create As-Built Construction Schedules
'As-Built' schedules provide an accurate picture of what happened and when on a project. As-Built construction schedules offer insight and information for future projects.

Create Your Own Construction Scheduling Templates
You can use any of our Scheduling Templates as a foundation and structure to create your own. Using your scheduling templates will save time in future Scheduling.

Create To-Do Lists
Creating 'To Do' lists is invaluable for viewing and conveying specific responsibilities for any task or resource or combinations of them.

Establish A Scheduling And Reporting System
Scheduling is very powerful and needs to be practical so that everyone uses and follows it.

Controlling Delivery Schedules
Using filters, views, and reports, you can control delivery schedules for materials for individual projects or across all of your projects.

Subcontractor Scheduling
Subcontractor scheduling is critical to the overall performance of a project. Subcontractors have all of the essential responsibilities that the General Contractor, Construction Manager, or other has.

Using Schedules To Manage A Group Or Process
You can use schedules to manage any group or a process. Microsoft Project provides the platform and power to schedule anything that relates to time.

Using Schedules To Manage Your Operations
Scheduling can help control your business planning and operations for a single project or for groups of construction projects with insight that is not available without your schedule.

Using A Communication Flow Chart
A schedule is a great tool. To make it effective, you need to provide a clear path and system of communication, so there are no questions on who is supposed to communicate to who.

Scheduling Specifications
Using a scheduling specification will add the necessary action and responsibility to furnish schedules in a format you need.

Attaching Schedules To Contracts
Attaching schedules to your contracts will provide a joint plan and an expected performance for your projects. It will also increase attention and liability to the project.

Sharing & Integrating Schedules
Using our Scheduling Templates will allow you to share and integrate your project schedules with anyone using the same scheduling structure without additional input.

Using Reports
Using reports can provide the exact information required by the people that need to see them.

Using Incentives
Incentives are a great way to ensure that your projects get the attention and production they need. Without them, your team members will focus on other priorities.

Your construction schedules can provide any information that you need to take control of your projects. Our Scheduling Templates, Guides & Support give you the tools to use this power at any level required!

You can use Microsoft Project to schedule and control your construction projects at any level required! It is a shell scheduling software that has the unlimited potential power to control your projects. How much of this capability are you using?

Besides controlling each project individually, you can acquire insight across all your projects to help manage your workload, adjust profit margins, keep people accountable, and access the information and reports necessary to look ahead and adapt accordingly.

This insight is unavailable without effective scheduling and scheduling within a system designed to provide this information.

Our Construction Scheduling Templates, Guides, and Support give you the tools needed to create fast and effective construction schedules and provide the ability to take advantage of the power in Microsoft Project without the experience and long learning curve.

Above all, you will be able to create a foundation and a consistency for your schedules that will allow you to combine your construction schedules into a Master ‘Consolidated’ project file to gain invaluable insight and schedule effectively across all of your projects – ‘Invaluable’!

Potential Values of Effective Scheduling;

  • Control Time
  • Increased Time
  • Increased Profits
  • Automate Your Projects
  • Ability To Plan Ahead
  • Schedule Subcontractors Effectively
  • Make Timely Decisions
  • Increased Communication
  • Adjust Profit Margins For Future Work
  • Achieve Purchasing Power
  • Decrease Costs Of Purchasing Materials & Subcontract Work
  • Minimize Liability
  • Create Accountability
  • Control Deliveries & Lead Time Problems
  • Know Your Cash Flow
  • Accurate Reporting
  • Forecast & Manage Your Workload
  • Resource Management
  • Create A Sense Of Control Over What Happens
  • Create Enthusiasm
  • Satisfied Customers
  • Relieve Stress
  • Freedom!!!

With our scheduling systems, you can benefit from global solutions beyond the success of a project. As everything affects something else, we provide you with the tools necessary to see all information required to enhance communication, control profits, and establish automation within your business and projects.

You can use Microsoft Project to schedule and control your construction projects at any level required! It is a shell scheduling software that has the unlimited potential power to control your projects. How much of this capability are you using?
Construction Scheduling creates the time to do the things you need to run and control your business. Scheduling is the essential part of organizing and maintaining control in a project.

Most people do not plan and realize the power of scheduling and consequently deal with delays, increased costs, stress, etc. Construction Scheduling forces you to look ahead, plan and communicate with other team members.

Without effective scheduling, you will be reacting instead of acting.

Your construction schedule is the most powerful tool you can use to control time, communicate your expectations and keep everyone accountable. We have customized Microsoft Project so that you can quickly and effectively schedule any or all of your projects with simple tools and methods.

We can help you effectively complete the circuit of cost and quality to unleash the potential profits on your projects that are unavailable without it.

Everything we do relates to time; if you are not controlling it – it controls you!

Ask yourself a few questions?

  • Are your projects completed on time?
  • Do you use scheduling as a tool rather than as an exercise?
  • Do you know your future workload, and can you adjust your profit margins accordingly?
  • Are people or even you following your schedules – are they accountable?
  • Do you have the flexibility to make timely decisions and adjust accordingly?
  • Do you know when you need to order materials or have materials delivered?
  • Do you have standard templates to create your schedules and save input time?
  • Do you know what’s going on in your projects at any time? Or a group of projects - either now or in the future?

If you answered ‘No’ to any of the above questions, you could benefit from our Construction Scheduling Templates, Guides, and Support.

Why you need an effective schedule?

  • Most people do not know how to schedule effectively
  • People schedule in an infinite number of ways
  • Most people are poor communicators
  • Contractors provide schedules in many different formats and task breakdowns
  • Other contractor Construction Schedules are typically not coordinated with yours and are following other agendas and not yours.

Many contractors are unorganized and do not work with schedules, and if they do, most are not working with them as a tool to help manage, forecast and maintain a schedule and communication. They let time run them instead of them adhering to their schedules.

You cannot use the power and custom features available in Microsoft Project or any scheduling software if you do not have the experience and an effective system to use and follow.

Our Construction Scheduling Templates, Guides & Support give you the tools needed to create fast and effective construction schedules and provide the ability to take advantage of the power in Microsoft Project without the experience and long learning curve.

Above all, you will be able to create a foundation and a consistency for your schedules that will allow you to combine your construction schedules into a Master ‘Consolidated’ project file to gain invaluable insight and schedule effectively across all of your projects – Invaluable.

You may think that scheduling takes valuable time. In reality, effective construction scheduling with a system creates time because tasks and activities automate the process – without you having to react to the daily crises that arise from the lack of planning and scheduling.


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